friday night funkin' - the funkin' crew inc. 2025
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WEEK OF 2023/08/01: The Funkin' CREW in Toronto!

4 minute read - Published on: 2023/08/01

Table of Contents

Hello everyone welcome to Funkin' WEEKLY-ish blog!!! Bit light blog this week since there's a busy week ahead of us! But wanted to share some words and thoughts of what we're up to this week!!! zoo wee mama!!!

Quick Update on Portal

by Shingi✨

So over the past week there were roughly 55 more Backers added to the Portal, and nothing broke which is pretty fun.

This week though we plan on adding 20x the number of Backers spread throughout the week so if you're checking your emails one of these days, don't be surprised to see an email from Funkin Kickstarter about your credentials and access details!

Anyways, sleep deprived as usual so time to take a quick nap and wake up bright and early to make sure the rest of the Portal onboarding is a success!


by ninja_muffin99


We have

hopefully in next few days we can get dave out here

we spent a smidge of coin to rent out a little shared office wework type office space, and the benefits are already pretty damn fruitful, ESPECIALLY with kawa and sunni here to help organize things in person! When me and Dave are in real life, we often spend time on working on GAME THINGS that benefit from realtime communication and chatting with each other in real life. With Sunni and Kawa, there's a LOT of very fruitful organization things that we've put off / neglected that are already being sorted out immediately and nicely. It's very nice....

Starting the day really felt like going to a real ass job. Maybe to others it may seem tiresome and eye rolling, but for me, I've worked from home all my life, and over past year I've just worked in my little basement apartment with just myself! It's very nice to have a schedule of work, with people who show up and talk to and whatnot. Nice to go to lunch with each other!! Maybe one day we will have Funkin' HQ somewhere.... Funkin' North branch downtown Toronto....

Progress for the week is already going pretty damn well though!! There's an arcade around the corner a bit and it has DDR, so you all better believe that we are having a company evening there for research!!! bwahahaa!!!

Fanart of teh Week

by phantomarcade


Now this one is only FNF loosely, but this just really grabbed my eye recently.

Creamjuicer69's Pico's School piece is just so awesome. So chunky and stylized, I just adore these kinds of works where you know the artist was goonin imaging and daydreaming about the scenario.

Being a huge fan of NG growing up, I was always immersed in fan-made Pico stuff, yet never played the OG game until around the time I nabbed Pico for the 3rd level I was planning for FNF to make w the team. After that, I feel super in love with it as the one Tom Fulp game I never played and day dreamed about it non stop.

BASICALLY, I just really adore when I can notice someone else has that deep autism for something, and it results in bringing a world to life. I dunno how else I can really say it, ya know?


They've been posting a lot of goodies lately, so be sure to peep the sauce that makes the meal delicious. -PhantomArcade

closing thoughts for the week

by ninja_muffin99

As mentioned before we're light on blogs this week, today I have big pile of real life work ahead of me lolol!!!! Hopefully a small blog is better than no blog!!! But as I watch Eric get coding next to me, and Kawa and Sunni organize our INTERNALS and all that.... it makes me thirst to get real ass work done!!! Not that writing blogs is NOT real work.... but do need to get into work brain!!! We have an office this week!!! Gotta make all the use I can outta this for the week!!! wahoooooo!!!